
Push Bar for Pop-Top Lifting Mechanism [Vanagon]

Part #: 255-070-715B

Works With: 1980-1991

Weight: 5.87 lbs

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Price: $49.95

Replace that worn out push bar for your pop-top lifting mechanism before it fails. A rare occurrence, but it can happen!

Our reproduction push bars sometimes known as 'H-Bars' are made to be a direct replacement to the original Westfalia bars. Those original bars have without a doubt seen an incredible amount of use over the last thirty-plus years. It is so rare to find one that hasn't bent or at least bowed in the center. Most people think that's how they were designed, but of course they weren't. These days we've begun to see a much worse, and potentially dangerous amount of wear on them. After many years of use, the pivot point on the pop-top hinge mechanism begins to cut into the bar ends. This starts off as added friction when trying to open the top, but can result in catastrophic failure if the ends shear off! See the photo above for an example of a badly worn H-Bar. Whether yours is bent, bowed, or broken, we've got a new one for you at a very nice price.

Fits: All 1980-91 Vanagon Westfalia models.

Features: We used extra heavy-duty bar stock that is 33% thicker (2mm vs 1.5mm), and finished in a durable warm-white powdercoat that matches most of the original bars. 

Note: this is a direct-replacement of the original Westfalia part and does not come with installation instructions.

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